Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Licenciatura en Derecho, Mención Honorífica, 2009).
WTI, Universidad de Berna, Suiza – Master of International Law and Economics–MILE12 (Maestría en Derecho Comercial Internacional, 2012).
COFECE–Universidad Panamericana (Diplomado en Materia de Competencia Económica, 2018).
Secretaría de Economía–OMC (Taller Nacional relativo al sistema de Solución de diferencias de la OMC, 2008).
Experiencia profesional
Aguilar & Loera, S.C. (Asociado Senior, 2013 a la fecha).
Fratini Vergano European Lawyers (Abogado Jr., 2012-2013).
Avaya Communication de México, S.A. de C.V. (Abogado Jr., 2011).
Secretariado del TLCAN, Secretaría de Economía (Asistente de Panelista del capítulo XIX, 2008-2010).
CONACYT e Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM (Ayudante de Investigador, 2008-2009).
Experiencia académica
Co-autor en “A WTO Panel will be composed to hear Canada’s and Norway’s concerns on the EU’s seals regime”.
“Mexico files a request for WTO consultations concerning China’s textiles subsidies”.
“WTO Members discuss the use of the ad hoc mediation mechanism for SPS disputes”, “The new GSP adopted by the EU reduces the number of beneficiaries”..
“Brazil’s tax reduction scheme on industrialized products, particularly in the auto industry, lands before the WTO”.
“Reasonable period of time determined by WTO arbitrator in the US- COOL dispute”.
“EU – Singapore FTA specially designed to promote green growth”.
“Brazil may initiate a WTO dispute concerning import restrictions imposed on beef”.
“The WTO DSB establishes a panel to examine certain measures imposed by Argentina on the importation of goods”.
“The EU and the US may initiate formal negotiations on a comprehensive transatlantic trade and investment partnership” (Revista ‘Trade Perspectives de FratiniVergano European Lawyers’ – Núm. 18-23 en 2012 y Núm. 1-4 en 2013).
Co-autor en “A WTO Panel will be composed to hear Canada’s and Norway’s concerns on the EU’s seals regime”.
“Mexico files a request for WTO consultations concerning China’s textiles subsidies”.
“WTO Members discuss the use of the ad hoc mediation mechanism for SPS disputes”, “The new GSP adopted by the EU reduces the number of beneficiaries”..
“Brazil’s tax reduction scheme on industrialized products, particularly in the auto industry, lands before the WTO”.
“Reasonable period of time determined by WTO arbitrator in the US- COOL dispute”.
“EU – Singapore FTA specially designed to promote green growth”.
“Brazil may initiate a WTO dispute concerning import restrictions imposed on beef”.
“The WTO DSB establishes a panel to examine certain measures imposed by Argentina on the importation of goods”.
“The EU and the US may initiate formal negotiations on a comprehensive transatlantic trade and investment partnership” (Revista ‘Trade Perspectives de FratiniVergano European Lawyers’ – Núm. 18-23 en 2012 y Núm. 1-4 en 2013).
Co-autor en “Administrative Protective Orders in Trade Remedy Cases in Mexico” (Global Trade and Customs Journal, Volumen 9, Issue 7&8 – Julio 2014).
Co-autor en “Class Actions” (Getting the Deal Through, Law Business Research, 2016).
Áreas principales de desarrollo profesional
Comercio Internacional (OMC, TLCAN/T-MEC y otros TLCs, prácticas desleales de comercio, reglas de origen, arbitraje de inversión); Aduanas (verificaciones de origen, restricciones no arancelarias a la importación y exportación, IMMEX, PROSEC, Regla 8, Certificaciones); Regulatorio (permisos ante dependencias de gobierno: Economía, SAT, AGA, COFEPRIS, SEMARNAT); experiencia principalmente en industrias: siderúrgica (acero), automotriz, textil y química; Competencia Económica.
IDIOMAS: Español, Inglés, Francés (básico).
Español, Inglés, Francés (básico).